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Utilizing the techniques of bricolage, improvisation and repurposing, his works deal with the notion of artistic ecologies, utopia and speculative histories. 
By intervening on found objects such as old postcards and documentary photographs, mostly found on flea markets or rescued from garbage, Marko Tadić’s works give form to open fictional narratives focused on various interpretations. He often uses documentary photographs as a background for questioning the present moment locally characterized by post-socialist and post-social condition that has rapidly devastated the spaces of socialization and commons in the urban fabric for the benefit of uncompromising capitalist growth and neglect of the environment.
Tadić is constructing his artistic narratives around the issues of modernist heritage, reinterpretation of history, and its traces in everyday life. His works, most often oscilating between painting, object, collage, photography, drawing, and installation, simultaneously combine sound, image, and drawing, as well as found, reprocessed, or crafted objects.  ( text Ana Dević)

Marko Tadić
Studied painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence.
His artistic practice is in drawing, installation and animation.
Winner of numerous art prizes (2015. the Vladimir Nazor award for the best exhibition, 2012. award for the best design at the festival of Croatian animation FHAF, 2010. third award at the exhibition T-HT@MSU in Zagreb and in 2008. the Radoslav Putar Award for best young contemporary artist.
Participated in many residential programs in Helsinki, New York, Los Angeles, Frankfurt Am Main and Vienna.
Collaborated with the Art Academy in Zagreb at workshops for students as tutor for the workshop of Artist Books, Field recordings and Radio Dramas. Works at the Academy of fine arts in Zagreb, Croatia as assistant professor at the painting department and at Nuova Accademia di belle arti (NABA) in Milan, Italy teaching exhibition design and visual arts. His films have been shown on many international animation film festivals and experimental film festivals. His works have been exhibited on many solo and group exhibitions around the world.
In 2017 along with Tina Gverović he represented Croatia at the 57th Venice Biennale.