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Zlatan Vehabović was born on March 31, 1982. In Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He finished School of Arts and Design in Zagreb in 2000.
The same year he started studying painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb, finishing with master’s degree in 2006. For his thesis work he was awarded in merit of excellence by the professors council of  Academy of Fine Arts. Starting from 2016, he is a professor in the painting department on the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Zagreb.
Some of the projects he include his participation as the culture ambassador for the European Commision ( 2013.), with a mission of representing Croatia during the process of Croatia joining the European Union. It should also be mentioned that he participated a charity campaign called 208 against the mines (Peugeot Art Car, Peugeot and the National Office for Land Mine Clearing, 2012)
In the period from 2004 until 2013 he worked as the head of the Art Class Educational Program at the Municipal Cultre Center of Tresnjevka in Zagreb designed for children in  the earliest educational stage.
In 2016. he participated in the prestigious artist residency program The arctic Circle.